Our rapidly increasing understanding of the human genome and those of other organisms means that we are becoming capable of genetically modifying ourselves by cutting out rearranging, and adding various snippets of our own DNA molecules and implanting DNA molecules and implanting DNA sequences from other organisms. This secondary evolution will allow us to change the course and speed of primary evolution( based mostly on the glacially slow process of natural selection) of our own species by creating types of genes not currently found in the rest of nature.
Applications of such increasing genetic knowledge holds great promise, but it raises some serious and controversial ethical and privacy issues. For example, some people have genes that make them more likely to develop certain genetic diseases or disorders. We now have the power to detect these genetic deficiencies, even before birth. Will this lead to more abortions of genetically defective fetuses? Will health insurers refuse to insure people with certain genetic defects that could lead health problems? Will employers refuse to hire them? If gene therapy is developed for correcting genetic deficiencies, who will get it? Will it be reserved mostly for the rich?